Invitation for Alumni
Dear Alumni,
I would like to extend an invitation to you to join Olive Branch Network (OBN).
You have done a lot of work throughout your academic and professional career, thereby highlighting the positive aspects of participating in Tallahassee Community College Model United Nations (TCC MUN) and Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations (TSMUN) Conference.
As Alumni, we want your involvement to inspire new generations of TCC MUN.Our main objective for creating OBN is to gather basic information about you, such as current occupation and location. Once you sign up, we will place your information on our website for other Alumni to see. Using the information you provide, we will be able to connect with each other through e-mails and other social platforms.
In the near future, we would like to:
1- Organize social events, regional gatherings and annual reunions,
2- Increase Alumni – Student engagement,
3- Facilitate Professional Networking,
4- Fundraise for the core mission of OBN.
Signing up is very easy and won’t take no longer than 5 minutes. The following link will take you to our forms:!join/c1tbe
Our website is mobile friendly. You can fill out the forms and upload your profile picture through your smart phone.
Besides being part of our Alumni Network, your contributions play major role in our expansion. You can choose to donate $20 (Peace Keeper Level), $50 (Delegate Level), $100 (Diplomat Level) or $200 (Ambassador Level), directly with your Debit or Credit Card. Keep in mind that your contributions are tax-deductible.
Overall, your participation in OBN is very important for us. It will support our efforts to motivate current students and enable us to expand educational opportunities we provide for future generations.
As an Alumnus, I am proud of TCC MUN and unique experiences I had with many of you out there. I hope you feel the same way towards your MUN years and join us today in our efforts to establish our Alumni Network!
Bugra Demirel
Board President
Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304