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Introducing the Secretary-General for TSMUN XXIV

January 2020


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.- Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations (TSMUN) is proud to have Mónica García Vega as the Secretary-General of TSMUN 2020. She is currently a fourth-year undergraduate student at Florida State University studying International Affairs and Political Science. This will be Mónica's fourth year involved in TSMUN and her second year as an executive staff member. We are excited to see what all of Mónica's hard work and dedication to TSMUN will bring to the 24th TSMUN conference!


TCC Model UN Team earns multiple awards at Florida Model UN Conference 

October 2019



Tallahassee Community College Model United Nations (TCC MUN), an academic team that participates in United Nations simulations around the world, participated in the Florida Model United Nations in Gainesville, Florida. More than 20 TCC students worked with over 160 delegates from 12 different Florida and Georgia colleges and universities.


TCC Alumni Presents TSMUN with Grant Award 

February 2018



Wells Fargo awarded Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations with a $500 grant to support our annual conference and provide scholarships for students in our community.

Tallahassee Community College Students Earn an Unprecedented Five Awards at International Conference at the United Nations 

April 2017



Sixteen students from Tallahassee Community College attended the National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York City.  The NMUN, is the oldest and largest intercollegiate Model United Nations conference in the world.  Over 5,800 students from 44 countries convened in New York to participate in the simulation that was from April 9th.  to the 15th.

Mr. Wilson comes back to expend the Conference

April 2016


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.- Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations (TSMUN) Board of Directors are excited to announce the Secretary General (SG) of 21st Annual conference: Truitt Wilson. Truitt will be joining the TSMUN Board of Directors a second year in a row as the SG of the conference, aiming to expend the oppurtunuties TSMUN offers and reach out to more High and Middle school students. 

For the second time, TSMUN Mission is Wells Fargo Donation recipient

May 2015


Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations (TSMUN), one of Florida’s premiere Model United Nations conferences, is the recipient of Wells Fargo’s East Tallahassee Branch’s charity of choice.

"On behalf of my charity, I'm very thankful for Wells Fargo's generous contribution" said Bugra Demirel, president of TSMUN’s Board of Directors.

UNESCO Center for Peace Partners with TSMUN

August 2014


After a successful International Model United Nations (IMUN) conference in Washington D.C this year (July 17- August 2), innovative minds were churning. Prominent global issues were discussed, ideas and ideologies were challenged, and young minds were forced to see perspectives in a whole new light. One hundred and sixty students from twenty-seven countries attended. Meanwhile, amidst all the international dialogue, two other minds reached their own pinnacle of inspiration. Frank Vasconcelos (2014 Secretary General of the Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations Conference) and Guy Djoken (executive director of UNESCO Center for Peace) were beginning to form a partnership in order to further extend this unique opportunity to students.

Model United Nations alumni group receives Community Connection Grant

May 2014


An organization that supports Tallahassee Community College’s Model United Nations team received a $1,000 grant from a local Wells Fargo bank branch.

Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations, a group comprised of TCC Model United Nations alumni, collected the Community Connection Grant Thursday, May 8, from Wells Fargo’s North Monroe Street branch. The group was chosen to receive the award by Big Bend District Manager Wendy Parrish.

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